Monday, May 16, 2011

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  • ready2switch
    Sep 19, 09:32 AM
    It gets annoying. Why? Because it's true and most people don't want to admit it.

    In a few cases here and there, the extra processor power/speed is going to help. But for a majority of people buying a MacBook, they're not going to be burning home-made DVD's, doing intense Music compositions, or using it for hard-core gaming. They're going to SURF and WRITE.

    As for the "resale" value, again, most people who are buying a used MacBook are NOT going to ask "is it a Merom?" They're going to ask how nice the case is, how much use it's gotten, and how much it is, and that's it.

    Everybody likes to play "ooo, I'm the hard-core computing whiz and I need the BEST out there", but I bet you if you took an honest poll out there of everyone who's answered this thread, you'd find at least 75% these Apple fans have no need for for the extra speed, they just want it because it's "cool" and "fast" and it's the latest thing out there.

    62% of all statistics are made up to add false weight to the speaker's argument.


    Unless you have conducted or can site a scientific study calculating exactly how mac users USE their apple machine, stop calling other people annoying and claiming to know exactly how overpowered these systems are for "most" of the users.

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  • jon1987
    Apr 25, 01:53 PM
    So as far I can make out, the information is only stored on the users iOS device and computer. So not a big deal really. I know people are saying someone could steal your phone and access the information, but surely they could also then access every piece of personal information the user put on there?

    Then again I'm from the uk, I'm recorded by CCTV on every street corner, so perhaps im used to it?:p

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  • mcrain
    Mar 23, 01:48 PM
    Again, Fivepoint, you forget that the President was selling the Iraq war with suspicious and weak information that the many questioned. It turns out they were right. Pre-war, the big issue was whether the war was justified based on the evidence being pushed by the President. The criticism President Bush faced thereafter had a lot to do with the fact that he lied to the American people in order to start a poorly planned war. They bungled every aspect of a war they lied to get us into. There were plenty of reasons to be critical.

    Even so, in the FIRST DAYS of the war, even the lefties supported the troops and the American military, they merely questioned whether we should be going to war.

    This Libya conflict is similar in that there are people on the left today questioning whether we should be "going to war" with this no-fly zone, but there are also people who support the reason behind it, but also question why we haven't gone into other countries where there are similar humanitarian issues.

    Out of curiousity, what do you expect? I expect conservative congressmen and women to support a conservative president, but to think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. I don't respect blind support like what they did under GWB. Similarly, I expect liberal congressmen and women to support a liberal president, but to also think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. Some are speaking out, and some are not blindly supporting President Obama. Can you acknowledge that the liberals are doing a better job with consistency than the GOP? If not, how do you explain GOP opposition to the Libya action?

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  • i.mac
    Apr 27, 08:47 AM
    A "bug" right? ;)


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  • NathanMuir
    Feb 28, 06:36 PM
    Well, I have nothing to say, but that the University has grounds for dismissal if difference of opinion arises.

    True, you can argue the gay card, but in this case, they college played the rights cards to get rid of him. Was it the best choice? No.

    Still, it's the college's right on who teaches or not; and seeing how it's a Catholic Church college, I'd say it was bound to happen.

    I agree, the situation in the OP was bound to happen sooner or later.

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  • hexor
    Mar 26, 08:24 AM
    People may not realize that Mac OS X Server will be INCLUDED with the client version of OS X Lion. This in itself was a several hundred dollar product. Not only does it make running your own server even easier for non-techies it simplifies the OS X product version choices from 2 down to 1. And licensing for that broken up into single or family pack.

    How many different versions of Windows does MS sell? :p I can't even figure out the number of versions of Windows MS makes, it is at least a couple dozen while Apple provides the same equivalent functionality in only 2 (single/family pack). The overhead in managing all those different versions is mind-bongling.

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  • *LTD*
    Mar 31, 07:34 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    So stop whoring out your lame beta OS, Google, and finally have some respect for your product.

    Steve Jobs was right all along. All this open baloney falls apart pretty quick when you spread your crap around to anyone and everyone who can slam together a box.

    Next on the list: tighter Android Marketplace controls and a fresh round of app rejections.

    Then we'll here everyone say "of course, it had to happen, no big deal." Yeah, we ****ing told you like two years ago when it was announced Android would be licensed out to everyone. But for some reason the perennially clueless thought that it would work forever.

    In the post-PC era, User Experience reigns supreme. But Apple already taught us that years ago.

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  • RebootD
    Mar 31, 05:24 PM

    Just speaking to your 'year of the linux' quote that's all.

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  • rolandf
    Aug 8, 05:14 AM
    I just went through my older posts, concerning Apple's strategy and future, e.g. the role of Vista. I still think, what I said several month ago is still an issue. Having seen Leopard as it stands is not very promising for Apple's future.

    Let me remember you, that some of the key people at Apple left the company! In the posts there has been "monolithic kernel" and "NEXT" bashing.

    Question: Did they improve the kernel?
    Question: How much will the integration / interoperability be with Unix / Linux?
    Question: Is there still a future for the Open Source community, or is Leopard just making OS X more proprietary?
    Question: Are they continuing to water down their PRO Apps, intermingling it with the OS and making everything more childish?
    Question: Is this OS 10.5 usable for a tablet PC? How strong are features like handwriting and speech recognition? (Remember, we are approaching 2010!)
    Question: Will they still continue to make the UI more heterogeneous and disorganised, this mix of unmotivated 3D, lack of resolution independence, for every single task a separate application etc.
    Question: Virtualisation is a standard for many OS's in the Unix world. A company that sells servers, should be comfortable with that.
    Question: How efficient will the OS be, given the arrival of multi-core processors, e.g. quad etc.?

    But as it seems, OS X still lives from the legacy, from the NEXT computer that quantum leap in computer history and meanwhile MS with Vista just improved a lot the feel and look, so as others also remarked it, the need to switch to Mac is not given for an everyday user.

    Apple conveys to me the image of a company working on too many things at the same time, loosing focus, innovation and good people. Further since the Intel switch even the motivation to further push the design of the hardware did not happen, and the "products we wanted to build, but could not" did not appear.

    Will at least the Playstation 3 be the highlight of the year and the direction for the future?

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  • DJsteveSD
    Mar 31, 02:59 PM
    you keep using that word� (


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  • takao
    Dec 7, 05:04 PM
    Keep that Lotus, you can use it for the British Lightweight race.

    ah the british lightweight .. i remembered it much much harder from gt4 .. since this time around lightweight just means being under 1200 kg and british ;) so my 300 kW TVR was qualified which of course smoked the competition

    that said i find it stil ldissapointing that opposed to gt4 you can't difference between imperial and metric measurements more seperate

    which means either mp/h and HP or km/h and kW

    which is unfortunate since nobody really uses kW except for taxes ;)

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  • MyDesktopBroke
    Apr 27, 09:06 AM
    Barack Husein Obama was born in Kenya! Now we have proof!!! Look, it says it right there!! :rolleyes:

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  • conradzoo
    Aug 11, 05:49 PM

    Can somebody explain me the differences between the cellphone market between the US and Europe.

    Will a 'iPhone' just be marketed to the US or worldwide (as the iPod does)?


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  • Cougarcat
    Mar 25, 11:33 PM
    I think all this is just a dumbing down of what is an amazing OS. I don't use my mac with dual displays anything like I'd use an iPad, so why put that crap in there? I just don't like the direction they are taking OSX in general, and I doubt I will upgrade from snow leopard. To me this is very sad news, the day OSX and iOS merge is the day the mac dies.

    Relax. The sky is not falling. iOS and OS X rely on different user interaction. They will never be merged. Lion is not a "dumbing down." No features have been removed. You don't have to use fullscreen apps, or Launchpad, or the hidden scrollbars, or the gestures, or anything else that reminds you of iOS. Mission Control works better with Expose, IMO. The "All windows" view was way too cluttered. And normal expose for specific apps is still there.

    Versions, Resume, the new Mail, MC and refinements to the interface are all awesome features that still makes Lion worth it even if you decide to avoid the more overt iOS influences.

    I'm pretty susre you don't HAVE to use the new stuff. Old expose is still there for instance.

    Partly true. All windows is gone, replaced by MC. The app Expose views work the same, though. Best of both worlds, IMO.

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 27, 01:49 PM
    Who would think I'd support Bush? He's not conservative enough for me, and his administration spent to much.

    How much did government intervene in business affairs during the Roaring 20's? The government has already failed to do what it should do: It should promote the common good. I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Government had this country's best interests at heart when I hear Mrs. Pelosi say that to find out what's in Obamacare, you need to pass it.

    I know a lot about alcoholism and codependence because my mother is a nurse who specialized in treating alcoholics and other drug addicts and in counseling them. You don't help an alcoholic by protecting him from the consequences of his actions. The protection can help him make even bigger mistakes. I've seen that happen in many families I know of that include alcoholics. I also know about entitled welfare recipients who abuse social programs by demanding too much from social programs, by getting it, and by defrauding them. I saw the entitlement firsthand when a relative of mine was a landlord who rented houses to welfare recipients. Welfare recipients ruined a house, my relative kept the security deposit, and then the family got the Department of Social Services to put them into a house for twice the rent my relative charged. But the family still had the nerve to complain that my relative had overcharged it.

    Good points. All of them.

    not sarcasm^

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  • ClimbingTheLog
    Jul 20, 12:56 PM
    Anyone else think this is getting out of hand? Two cores, great improvement. Four cores, ehh it's faster but Joe can't tell. Eight cores, now thats just stupid.
    Let me guess it will only come with 512mb of Ram :p (ok it will be at least a GB).

    Have you ever owned a machine that hasn't been CPU bound? I know I haven't.

    you need to do your math better, extra core = 1.5x - 1.8x speed increase. but still the same power usage as a normal core!

    Where do you get these magical free electrons to drive the second core? That's some fancy silicon that uses 0W.

    eight cores + Tiger = Octopussy?!?

    Even Apple isn't that cool. Alas, I fear "Mac Pro 8x3.2"

    How fast do you want mail to go? The main reasons you need good processors is not for browsing, e-mail, text, and such and such. I highly doubt someone who does all these things on a five year old computer will be much slower than someone on a 16 GB RAM top of the line Powermac

    Have you ever done a search on a large volume of mail with AppleMail? That can eat my CPU for hours on a large IMAP mailstore on a 1.5 year old Mac. How about using Firefox with a number of useful extensions? CPU pegged for minutes when loading up the day's news stories from my RSS reader, and that's with a 2-year old Mac.

    Bring the speed.

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  • heyjp
    Nov 28, 11:06 PM
    I think having Apple (which of course gets passed on to us users) paying a royalty per iPod is a no-brainer, let's do it!!! The logic is that people are playing illegal copies of Universal Studios songs, therefore, Apple should pay a royalty for every iPod to cover.

    So, Apple, pay the royalty, which should logically imply that there is no need to EVER buy music from Universal since the royalty is now covered.

    HEY UNIVERSAL... can't have your cake and eat it too.


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  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 27, 02:15 PM
    Remember that the G5 is 64 bit. While the consumer apps may not be too directly affected at first, (speed increases, but nothing else), as more memory is required, 32 bit will hit a brick wall at 4GiB, whereas 64 bit can go along happily to 2,305,843,009,200,000,000GiB.

    Realistically, it will take some time to get to that level, but with the last G5 supporting 16GiB, 32 then 64 wouldn't be too far off. within 10 years, I'm sure 1TiB will start to become common.

    But with only 2 RAM slots in most current Macs (apart from obviously the Power Mac G5 which has 64-bit processor anyway), getting past 4GB is basically impossible/ ridiculously expensive at the moment.

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 10:42 PM
    My predictions
    iPods-talk about the car intergration (as several more car companies joined last week)

    Wish:another special event in September (I wish for a Invader ZIM,Jhonen Vasquez, or a artist appears to announce a iPod like the
    U2, but with their sigs.). Apple designed iPod skins-perhaps using TV shows as a themed line.
    Nike-brief mention, maybe add version of kit for 5th gen.
    Apps-demo some new feature in upcoming Logic 8-perhaps expand Intel performance with native 64 bit processing on Woodcrest or Core 2, new effects),iTunes 6.0.6 or 7.0
    Mac Pro-with Blu-Ray BTO, and special update that adds BD write support in Finder for 10.4, natively in 10.5
    Leopard-demo, Boot Camp update

    Mac Pro:
    -Fastest pro Mac ever shipped
    -Hard drives, BTO 750gb, perpendicular recording
    -New displays with HDMI, iSight & IR, even brighter
    -Wireless-WiMax or 802.11n-whatever's ready first, otherwise BT 2.0+EDR, AE
    -Multiple graphics card in a SLI/Crossfire like mode for extremely powerful graphics and stereo 3D, Quadro FX5500 and maybe also first Mac to be supported by the new Quadro Plex. 256MB std, 512MB BTO
    -HD Audio

    iSight-redesigned, motion sensing-so can be sort of security camerta, native Windows support, includes Photo Booth 2

    A focus on Leopard-virtualization techniques (compare Apple Boot Camp to others-Virtual PC, vmware), Apple remote desktop or virtualization solution-5-15 user free version to compete with MS

    Aug 19, 08:21 AM
    Do we know if all cars have fully modelled interiors or if thats just for the luxury cars?

    Mar 22, 02:53 PM
    Rand didn't trip on the Civil Rights Act? Ok, only if you agree with him that entire towns in the South should have the right to discriminate like they used to. The free market will sort it out... just like it did before the civil rights act.

    At some point all the discriminated folks would have started their own businesses and everything would have been a-ok right? Isn't that how the free market is supposed to work? :D

    Aug 6, 02:25 PM
    It's not relevant, the marks are registered in different fields of activity...if these guys are real, they don't have a case anyway.

    very true.
    I just think is funny the stupid mentality of a reseller threatening of a lawsuit against their major product provider. Even if Mac Pro wins the suit (very unlikely) Apple could just stop providing products to them and basically killing their business or making them switch to a PC.
    This is just is just as stupid as the Tiger Direct suit. So I would love to see Mac Pro being slapped in the face at the same way.

    The truth must be that this post was just a joke just to have us debating about it. The real Mac Pro doesn't even care about this issue.

    Westside guy
    Aug 11, 02:27 PM
    Hmm... maybe I stand corrected on this - see paragraph three (or four, if you count bullet points as a paragrapn).

    T-Mobile USA to End Network Venture with Cingular and Acquire California/Nevada Network and Spectrum (

    I was curious; so I went into my V600's network settings and found a Cingular network. I registered with it, and was able to make a call.

    I don't understand why this isn't automatic though. I don't always have coverage at times when my Cingular-using office mate does.

    Jul 15, 12:49 AM
    Still, it's ridiculous that Apple's Top-Of-The-Line machines don't come STANDARD with 1 gig of ram. I can guarantee they will when they come out next month.

    Oh, I agree - I should hope this is the case. In this day and age, 1 GB should be table stakes, especially when you're dealing with Pro machines - I would bet that most PowerMac owners upgrade to at least 2 GB of RAM standard as it is. Throw on top of that the fact that Leopard is coming out in (presumably) 6 months, give or take, and I'm sure that 1 GB will be required to run that with any degree of smoothness as well.

    Here's hoping you're right. I think including 512 MB of RAM standard would be a bit of a slap in the face if Apple is releasing these supposedly "advanced" machines. What kind of advanced PowerMac has only 512 MB of RAM standard? ;) :cool:

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