Monday, May 16, 2011

rats in ww1

rats in ww1. continued after wwi apr
  • continued after wwi apr

  • Edge100
    Oct 20, 02:22 PM
    Oh, I dunno, perhaps acquire some more companies? You know, like TiVo - with its valuable IP - for an easy $400 million. Or pump it into R&D. Or a stake in Nintendo or Sony. Or acquire the EMI Music Group (for $1 billion) as a buffer against the other RIAA members pressuring for an increase in the iTunes Store pricing. Or finally pay off Apple Records once and for all. Those are several things Apple could do* with that $10 billion that could be more useful than artificially boosting the stock by paying out an expensive dividend to grumpy shareholders.

    Heck, maybe they could go all-solar on the Apple campus like what Google is doing.

    *My personal favorite idea would be for Apple to acquire Atari dirt-cheap. This would give Apple a large library of classic titles that could be ported to the iPod, not to mention giving Apple a brand that could be used to pump out OS X "compatible" computers geared towards gamers in order to boost gaming on OS X overall and a means at gunning after Dell-owned Alienware and Dell's own XPS line.

    I whole-heartedly agree with this.

    Apple should be buying up companies, but only those that can give it some actual edge in competitive markets.

    I'll give you three examples:

    1) Adobe, for obvious reasons. This probably wont happen, but just imagine if it did!

    2) EMI Music Group. This would be HUGE, but I'm not sure Apple has the cash. It might not even be legal, given the Apple (Computer) vs. Apple (Corps...the Beatles) stuff. What's even more odd is that EMI OWNS the master recordings of the Beatles.

    3) Digidesign. This is the most likely, and probably the best bet for Apple. In case people don't know, Digidesign makes ProTools software and hardware. ProTools is the Photoshop of the audio production world; EVERYONE uses it. Apple already owns Emagic, which made Logic. The purchase of Digidesign would be a massive coup for Apple, and make it the undisputed champ of the pro audio world. And if you think this is a relatively small market, you're wrong. Nearly every movie is recorded/mixed in ProTools (with some people using either Nuendo or Digital Performer). I would LOVE to see Apple buy Digidesign, kill ProTools on Windows, and make a truly top-notch audio solution.

    Forget about paying dividends; people are making enough money on Apple stock. Apple needs to think about how to turn its $10 billion in cash into $50 billion in cash. And the way to do that is to grow. Buy up companies!!!

    rats in ww1. Ww1+diary+entries+from+the
  • Ww1+diary+entries+from+the

  • Aperture
    Jan 8, 09:35 PM
    Just to up the neurosis of this spoiler free page, I wonder if any leaks could be given on our visions periphery by the advertising?

    Thought of this.. but you shouldn't see a change in advertising within maybe 24 hours. Could be wrong but just a good guess.

    rats in ww1. Also rats and brutal winter
  • Also rats and brutal winter

  • MBHockey
    Jan 9, 02:08 PM
    Stupid news ticker gave it away. That's busch league.:(

    rats in ww1. rats, dangerous enemies in the
  • rats, dangerous enemies in the

  • Cassie
    Jan 13, 01:20 AM
    A lot of whining on these forums the second they reopen.

    I'll log on just to laugh myself silly when I read the threads created by n00bs saying "Why didn't Apple release so-and-so" and "I hate apple, im leaving them foreverz!!!11111!"

    It's sad, really (And slightly disturbing)

    rats in ww1. Trench+mouth+in+ww1
  • Trench+mouth+in+ww1

  • Santabean2000
    Oct 4, 08:53 PM
    I never said it was normal for the "rest of the world". I was simply stating what was normally considered a mansion in the US.

    Which brings me back to the notion of perspective. I'm not trying to get at you. It's just been my experience that a lot of folk from the US don't actually know that they're from the US; you ask them "Where are you from?" and they'll reply Texas, LA, etc. You really sense a lot of people feel like the US is the world, and have never ventured too far out of it. Again, I'm not trying to get at you; you may be the most worldly of people.

    I was just getting mad at the folk who claimed that SJ's house was anything but a complete mansion. It is. US definition or not.

    rats in ww1. dream of eating rats
  • dream of eating rats

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 08:23 PM
    Of course I like help Dejo and I know you have help a lot people, you have even helped me before this thread and I appreciate it a lot. I said that because so many seasoned developers just throw that bomb at newbies so often when they try to find answers in forums (not just this one), it happens not only in Programming but in many other professional environments, people just shoot to kill when some new guy makes a basic mistake, but luckily not all, some people do like to help (or enjoy) and have the patience to explain even the dumbest detail. But hey, it's cool.. We're all here to share and learn after all. I'll be glad to see you contribute to my threads, but you know.. that is up to you.

    rats in ww1. Print Ww1, Holiday
  • Print Ww1, Holiday

  • hulugu
    Oct 17, 08:09 PM
    I know I'm the minority around here when I say this, but I don't own an iPod. :eek: Yeah, it's true... I personally don't care for the MP3 format and the lesser quality offerings of iTunes. If it isn't at least CD quality, uncompressed, I don't want it. And yes, I can hear the difference on my sound system which is a separate setup from my home theatre.

    I have one word for you Lossless.

    rats in ww1. world war one soldiers
  • world war one soldiers

  • dpaanlka
    Jan 15, 03:32 PM
    Everyone is harping on the MacBook Air because of it's lack of ports or an optical drive, but at the end of the day people are still going to want to buy it. It's a nice product.

    I think its very reasonably priced by the way - compare that to other machines in the class.

    rats in ww1. Original image after wwi
  • Original image after wwi

  • Gibsonsoup
    Apr 11, 06:25 PM
    can't understand why it doesn't let me post the right pictures :confused:
    They look exactly like the original Apple ones though

    rats in ww1. world war one airworld war one
  • world war one airworld war one

  • Surely
    Apr 6, 11:31 PM
    I just ordered this cable for my 2011 Soul so that I can access my iPhone's iPod through the steering wheel controls/stereo (iPod menu displays on the stereo). It also charges the iPhone/iPod. The dealer charges $60........ $29.99 on Amazon.:rolleyes:

    rats in ww1. There is also a world war 1
  • There is also a world war 1

  • marddin
    Nov 11, 07:35 PM
    Has everyone involved doubled checked to make sure their NAT settings are all correct? I've been playing in parties of 2-4 people w/o a problem.


    All of our NAT types are open. We even did test connection to make sure on the dashboard but it still horrible.

    such a let down

    rats in ww1. about ww Ww1+trench+foot
  • about ww Ww1+trench+foot

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 02:19 PM

    rats in ww1. Trench+foot+ww1
  • Trench+foot+ww1

  • -aggie-
    Jul 21, 12:10 PM
    The slow pace of messages here shows that this has gone from being important to the masses and the trolls to now be a small problem. Previous threads (those from before the videos and pressconference) added three pages in the time it took to read one, there was just no way to keep up with them. This has still not gotten much over 50.

    It is interesting, but few considers the new iPhone to be broken anymore. No matter what you think of how Jobs handled it, he completely defused a situation that was becoming very hostile. I'm sure this will be taught and dissected at universities for years just as Intels poor handling of PR with the "faulty" processors is taught as the difference between dealing with companies and customers. This was a lesson for all and many key bloggers have already written pieces of how he changed the usual dynamics of apologizing for any perceived issue.

    Exactly. When the usual suspects don't post, the threads that brought up the reception issue totally die.

    rats in ww1. iww trench Ww1+trench+foot
  • iww trench Ww1+trench+foot

  • rdowns
    Apr 13, 11:13 AM
    Great, a shoot out on a plane loaded with innocent bystanders. :rolleyes:

    There are already armed marshall on many flights in the US. WHen was the last time we had a shoot out in the sky? :rolleyes:

    rats in ww1. Time of wwi, nationalism great
  • Time of wwi, nationalism great

  • inket
    Apr 13, 03:06 PM
    CMD+K and entering the SMB sharing name fixed it I presume ?

    rats in ww1. Trench+mouth+ww1
  • Trench+mouth+ww1

  • TheMacBookPro
    Mar 18, 09:01 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Thats some pretty narrow minded thinking there buddy.

    Not your buddy, tyvm.

    I'm just posting about some harassment I've been experiencing because of the phone I've purchased and was wondering if other iPhone owners have experienced it, and by judging from the responses a lot have.

    You should've searched before creating a new thread. This forum gets one of these 'omg what's wrong with people who prefer their own phone' and 'the iPhone is the best WTF is wrong with android users' every few days.

    I already feel great about my purchase, and I haven't been here long enough to know if the users are fanboys. Judging from the responses I'd say these guys seem pretty fair. Pretty judgemental and silly post in my opinion.

    Because they're agreeing with you (surprise, surprise). I'd say people are fair too if they blindly agreed to everything I say.

    And my post is silly? Pot, kettle if I ever seen it ;)

    I couldn't exactly call myself an Apple 'fanboy' either. If HTC made a better phone I'd gladly go pick it up, but I'm simply posting my experiences.

    Fair enough. Most people on here refuse to think that anyone other than Apple can make a good phone.

    Just curious now- what HTC phone was your friend using to play angry birds @2fps? I had no idea that HTC made a worse android phone (compared to the original G1).

    rats in ww1. Trench+mouth+ww1
  • Trench+mouth+ww1

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 02:02 PM
    I think it's all cool now. :)


    Back to the issue at hand, McDonalds....

    I literally almost threw up towards the end of the video. Do you think the perpetrators were aware of the victim's transgender status? I could barely make out what they were saying in the video as I had to listen to it quietly...

    Also- Let's realistically think about what the employees can/should have done... My initial instinct/gut reaction is for the manager to lock the doors to prevent the girls from running. Then you need to realize that McDonalds surely has policies in place for times like this, and the risk of an employee getting injured attempting to apprehend a criminal is a lawsuit waiting to happen....

    Another gut reaction is that if the manager had a shotgun under the counter, this situation never would have devolved into the poor victim convulsing on the floor.

    My last gut reaction is that Baltimore finally made it to my list of places to never return to.

    rats in ww1. WWI French #39;vivres de réserve#39;
  • WWI French #39;vivres de réserve#39;

  • firestarter
    Apr 22, 12:24 PM
    That's an awful idea. Posts will get downrated because someone disagrees with a perfectly valid opinion? I've already seen posts downrated because someone said they prefer Android over Apple or had a good thing to say about Microsoft. Hell, I'd probably get downrated just for my avatar.

    As long as people are going to act like little children, using these ratings to hide posts is a horrible idea.

    That's why you need meta-moderation. Weighs the balance of votes in favour of those who rate sensibly, stops people from just burying personalities they dislike.

    rats in ww1. Ww1 Diary Entries From The
  • Ww1 Diary Entries From The

  • Dane D.
    Mar 4, 11:47 AM
    Fivepoint- you act as if teachers make lots of money. The don't, even though they are required to have masters degrees. People understand if the belt is tight. People do NOT understand being denied the right to unionize and fight when they feel taken advantage of. NO ONE should ever be jailed for striking. That you support this is nothing short of sickening. I am absolutely disgusted. Just wait- you guys will get yours soon enough, trust me.
    Teachers on average make more than private sector employees. The average in Ohio is $50,314, source: To quote the site:
    Teachers with Master's Degrees live VERY comfortably in Ohio

    Salary raise last year: 3.3%
    Salary raise over 10 years: 33.0%

    Now I make much less than that in advertising/marketing agency. I haven't had a raise in 2 years. In the past decade my salary as not increased 33%.
    Don't spew lies, back up your lame arguements with facts.

    Apr 8, 11:50 AM
    @SPEEDwithJJ: Watch the Family Guy episode "New Kidney in Town" and you'll know :D

    Thanks for the tips. :D I'll go check out that episode of Family Guy! :D

    May 10, 06:06 AM
    Now my Mac Pro is only getting normal wu's not bigadv units. It was interesting watching the MP and i7980x running side by side, I'll try to get a screenshot later when I get home, they were very close in time per frame at about 3 minutes... hope they get some more bigadv units out for us to run :rolleyes:

    oh wow. i wonder if they are getting ready to do away with bigadv units?

    well my home built rig crashed again just before i left last night. it just froze in windows. i got it back up before i left, but who knows if it's still going. by looking at my output, i don't think it is, but i'm not totally sure.

    Apr 25, 06:11 PM
    Well, I have kept $200 in my savings account since Christmas and that's pretty much a feat in it's self. Anyways, I really need the iPhone 4S/5 to be released at WWDC and be some nice updates otherwise I'm going to be upset. I've had every iPhone since the 3G and each was released at WWDC so I don't know why they'll start now.

    Oct 10, 07:07 PM
    I'm sorry, but with the release of the "true video" iPod "imminent" for months now, I'm just not going to pay any attention whatsoever until I have one in my hands.

    Just like the iPhone, PowerBook G5 (and more recently, Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, although that release hasn't been "imminent" often enough yet,) etc.

    I'm starting to doubt page 1 rumors just as much as I doubt Page 2 rumors. Unless you (MacRumors, not the 'source' website of the rumor,) have credible, reliable, direct sources, it belongs on Page 2. If you don't have direct sources, (as rumors on other websites would be,) it does not belong on page 1. By your own standards.

    Just because it's getting a lot of talk, and Engadget claims their sources are good, is no reason to upgrade it to page 1 status. (Heck, the iWalk got a lot of talk back in the day, and SpyMac claimed their sources were good. That didn't make it true.)


    Mar 18, 02:49 AM
    I don't know of many people who buy a �500 iPhone outright. Most (Especially in the UK) will be on a 18-24 month contract.

    If you buy it outright for �500 then it's your device with no contract. When you buy it outright it's up to you to buy a SIM and find a plan.

    I run my iPhone 4 on O2's Unlimited PAYG plan, giving me free & unlimited calls and texts to other O2 users (my entire family and all friends bar one are on O2), for �15 per month. I added the web bolt on for �10 per month, which means for every �15 I top up, O2 take �10 off for my 500mb web access bolt on.

    So, for �15 a month I get free calls and texts to everyone I know and 500mb of 3G internet. And best of all, I can change whenever I like because the phone is unlocked and SIM free right out the box.

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