Monday, May 16, 2011

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  • ThunderSkunk
    Apr 25, 03:14 PM

    Holy ****.

    We had stuff like this when I was in the service, a but its use was strictly observed across and up the chain of command, and we're held accountable for each use. Civilian officers with little or no supervision getting their hands on this level of equipment scares the %^$& out of me.

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  • mlrproducts
    Aug 11, 10:20 AM
    Hurry up and take my money Apple! Here is my wishlist, the first section is PLAUSIBLE:

    1) Released for GSM sim cards (probable, maybe support for CDMA later on)
    2) Bluetooth (well, I think this is a given)
    3) Good integration with iCal, Mail, etc

    Now what I WANT that might not happen:
    4) Not tied to a service provider
    5) Affordable LOL
    6) Wifi built in
    7) Modem support for dialup over GSM
    8) Lightweight, small FF

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 7, 07:14 AM
    I might get it if it gets better graphics...

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  • RedTomato
    Sep 13, 08:49 AM
    Who knows, the hot setup may be a refurb'ed MacPro 2.0Ghz, then drop in better CPUs!

    Damn, yes, that would be the ultimate future hot machine - a second hand or refurb Mac Pro 2ghz, - I reckon by October they will about �1200 second hand, then in the new year, down to about �800, get one, then pop in 2 x 4 cores.

    Anyone know if the chipset will be pin-compatible with the next generation quad-cores?

    Seems we are stuck as far as increasing MHZ goes, 3ghz seems to be near the realistic limit. Now we're just adding more and more cores in. How many cores will be the feasible limit?

    After that, what will be the next method of radically increasing computing throughput?

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  • Max on Macs
    Aug 5, 05:27 PM
    Well iSight or no, there needs to be an update anyway. The Mac Pro will have Front Row, and how will you control it by remote if you're meant to keep it under your desk? The new Cinema Displays need an IR "extender".

    Besides, I still think Apple WOULD love to include an iSight in their displays.
    Are you "meant" to keep it under your desk? Who says? I had my PowerMac on the desk until I sold it (I will be getting a Mac Pro and I hate to put it on my desk if it's meant to go under it!)

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  • pubwvj
    Aug 25, 05:19 PM
    I'm having a problem. Last year I bought an iBook that was supposed to come with a free iPod. I got the iPod, called in and registered, did the paper work for the rebate and sent that in right away. Never got a check. I called up to find out where my rebate was and they are telling me that they aren't responsible for rebates lost in the mail - tough luck. I've been through many phone calls with many people at Apple on this. It's going nowhere. It is absurd that this happened. I bought the iPod and iBook directly from them through the Apple Store. They have all the information, which they have verified they have. But they won't send me my $179. Beware, Apple is not standing behind their rebate offers.

    2nd Problem, Apple sent a repair guy out to fix a iMac. He did but when he put the case back together he didn't do it right. Now the case is partially open. Minor but annoying.

    3rd Problem, I have an Apple product, which I won't name as I'm trying to get it taken care of right now, and it keeps failing, the replacement fails, etc. What happened to quality manufacturing? Apple's losing it.

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  • smokeyboi
    Jul 20, 11:14 AM
    any talk of a quad core merom or mobile cpu?

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  • tortoise
    Aug 23, 03:04 PM
    Do you have a reference showing that this translates to better performance in real-world application tests in a head to head competition?

    Not handy, since a lot of this happened on mailing lists.

    The short version is that the memory performance scales in a very sub-linear fashion as a function of the number of cores being used, whereas Opteron scalability is almost linear up to a large number of cores. The good news is that for single dual-core processors the memory performance is on par with dual-core Opterons and their in-cache performance can be better. The bad news is that this performance does not hold as you scale cores in a system. So for some applications (e.g. those that live mostly in cache) the Woodcrest processors will be mildly faster than Opterons, but for most the performance is about even in real app benchmarks.

    I've seen fairly comprehensive benchmarks for both databases and scientific computing applications, both of which thoroughly exercise the memory subsystem. Even though a single Intel core theoretically has more bandwidth, the high latency means that the real bandwidth is about the same as the slower Opterons (which have real bandwidth that approaches theoretical) and the cross-sectional bandwidth of Opterons when you get up to 4 cores and higher is much higher since the scaling is almost linear with the number of cores. For Intel, I think it was the case that a bigger cache was a cheaper design choice than a truly scalable memory subsystem. As a result, they will have different competencies. Some types of floating point codes should run very well on Intel.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 11:56 AM
    I'm not a birther. But I would love to know why the certificate looks new when the president is nearly 50. Now I'm about five months older than he, my original birth certificate has faded. The certificate he produced clearly isn't the original. Or if it is the original, it's astoundingly well-preserved.

    But you're not a birther or anything. Here we go with more stupid crap, while the country has far bigger issues.


    More like plain old generic morons. I have NO IDEA why Obama would cave like this....

    To get idiots like Trump to shut the hell up.

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  • robbyx
    Apr 25, 04:29 PM
    Normally I would argue that the customer doesn't have a right to a lot of things. But in this case - if you bought a device and it is tracking you (I'm not saying it is or it isn't) - the customer does have a right to know.

    This (sort of) reminds me of how now your are legally allowed to get a free credit report once a year to determine whether or not it's correct. Companies used to make a fortune charging for something that people, inherently had the right to know.

    Where does these RIGHTS you speak of come from? Frankly, I don't know if it's a right or not, but I hear the word "right" used a lot these days by people who have no idea what it means.

    Much ado about nothing.

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  • 4God
    Jul 14, 03:56 PM
    This means that the 2.7 GHz G5 of a year ago or more would still be a high for CPU speeds for the PowerMac/MacPro line. We already have dual dual 2.5 GHz G5 a year ago. An increase to 2.66 GHz means that either 2008 or 2009 we will see the promised 3 GHz PowerMac/MacPro.

    Any bets on which year it will be?

    Bill the TaxMan

    I think we'll see more cores per cpu before we see 3GHz. IMHO, 4,8 or more cores at 2.66 is far better than 1 or 2 cores at 3GHz.

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  • takao
    Dec 7, 06:18 PM
    I love my TVR and my B-Spec driver actually knows how to handle it, so i've been using it as often as appropriate.

    I try not to sell any cars unless they are junk (like a 97 Civic or whatever it is. Worst beginner's prize car ever) or if i have two of the same kind.

    haha you should see some of the cornering my bspec driver does in my camaro .. hilarious
    regarding two of the same kind: i just won my _third_ VW Lupo as a reward... good grief what a waste

    some tipps: if you buy a Lambo for the lambo only race: buy a Gallardo, since there is Gallardo only race in the next set of races
    also for some of the early races the ferrari 512bb is really worth it especially some of the oldtimer races early on and with tuning even fast enough for the ferrari only race

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  • CellarDoor
    Aug 8, 06:29 AM
    In nine months or less......... we'll have those
    Top Secret features in our machines - too bad
    for Redmond they won't be revealed until then.
    Core graphics and Quartz Extreme will be amazing.
    Love Time Machine, Spaces, etc.

    Is this a poem? Lovely.

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  • thibaulthalpern
    Mar 31, 10:14 PM
    Probably what bothers me the most about the discourse that Android is open is the underlying logic that is an implicit (or perhaps really explicit, depending on who is touting that discourse) assumption that it is democratic, liberal, progressive, and for "the people" and thus prevents a "draconian future" from happening because instead of letting corporations dictate our digital worlds, the people will a) have a say in it and b) have a choice.


    This discourse makes a false link between software being open source and political ideology. The two are not necessarily corresponding. And furthermore, that Android is actually open source is highly debatable but I won't go there.

    Why do so many technophiles fall for the discourse that open means choice means freedom mean democracy discourse? It's all BALONEY! Google isn't really interested in protecting your freedom, democracy etc.. It's really interested in surviving and making money. Let's try not to fall AGAIN for that political cover.

    In this case, I find Apple much more honest. They don't talk about political ideologies like freedom, democracy etc. All they say is they want to make devices that are friendly and easy to use. They don't couch their products in political ideological terms.

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  • marksman
    Apr 25, 04:38 PM
    Prove it.

    The burden of proof is not on him or Apple and you can't prove a negative.

    The burden of proof would be on those bringing the lawsuit or people like yourself to prove apple is doing something with this data.

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  • GregA
    Mar 26, 08:06 PM
    does anyone else thing launchpad is the worst idea yet?

    I did, until I saw why they were doing it.

    On the iPad or Mac, whatever you're doing you'll be able to pinch your 5 fingers together (or press the home button on iPad or iPhone) and it'll bring up your apps so you can launch something else. It's just a consistency thing.

    He was being that literal: "Step 2 may very well be the one & only Apple OS - based on iOS." This is absurd. Obviously OS X is taking cues from iOS. As you say, they've said so. But that's all that they are doing.

    Well, cues in the interface, and the same underlying OS. That's all it is for now. Mac OSX has a lot of extra options.

    (Now, might a Mac at some point use iOS in some way? Sure. Imagine a trackpad that was basically an iPod touch, or being able to fold our MacBook screens flat, which would boot iOS and turn it into an iPad. I'm sure Apple has some interesting things cooking in their labs. But OS X as we know it isn't disappearing.)

    There's a group of doom and gloom people on these boards that believe OS X will go away and we'll have one OS which we'll poking at our screens with no access to the underlying file system and we'll have to start jailbreaking our Macs. This line of thinking is idiotic.

    iOS has to grow up, especially with respect to File Management. I think iOS 5 will go a long way in this area.

    Once we get to iOS 6 I think we may start seeing iOS as the default Mac OS, with an optional OSX install (like X11 is) that extends it to do everything we expect from OSX (access to the file systems etc., perhaps even required for installation of non-app store programs). It may even be something where someone with "administrator" privileges gets the OSX add ons, while standard users do not.

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  • Trekkie
    Sep 18, 02:19 PM
    The Thinkpad X40 I'm typing from Bluescreened on me no longer than three weeks ago. My crime? coming out of suspend mode.

    Windows Crashes.

    Believe it or not, Mac OS X can crash too. While it is prettier, it's still a crash.

    Pretty funny reading the last few pages, thanks for the laughs.

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  • wonderspark
    Apr 25, 04:08 PM
    I gotta get off this grid, man. Apple was following me all morning.

    Every time I turned a corner, there was a dark VW with an Apple sticker on it. Then I started noticing dark Audis with that Apple on it... everywhere. This is in Boulder, by the way.

    Suddenly, I realized over half the people around me had those white ear buds on. I freaked out and started walking as fast as I could, but they were everywhere... I turned a corner and broke into a full sprint, and ran zig-zags all the way through the Pearl Street Mall area, but I couldn't escape Apple. I threw my iPhone into a fountain and ran to my bike, unlocked it as fast as I could, and pedaled as hard as I could to the farmhouse basement where I live.

    I though I was safe, but my roommate was there... with a new MacBook Pro.

    Help me...

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  • croooow
    Apr 6, 01:32 PM
    sorry, posted in the wrong forum...

    Mar 25, 10:57 PM
    Um, there's only been one release since leopard. Too soon to know if Lion will wow or not.

    From the developer builds and such, there doesn't appear to be anything compelling or major to warrant anything more than a minor upgrade.

    Yeah, disappearing scroll bars. A full size screen. Woo.

    The UI and basic functionalities have stayed the same since Leopard, sprinkled with a bit of iOS features. Snow Leopard was a tune up, to establish the Intel line completely and such.

    Yet retained most, if not all of the Leopard UI elements.

    Personally, it just looks like a rough merge of iOS into the OS X environment without any refinement.

    If we have to fork out $120 or something, forget it.

    I guess my Leopard PowerPC Macs still look up to date then :)

    Aug 11, 03:34 PM
    I'd wager that what ever they do come out with will be considered a let down, seeing as so much hype is building around it. Its kinda like those supposed summer block-buster movies all hype but doesn't really deliver.

    Also I wouldn't be surprised if it only held as many songs as the Rokr or Slvr (if any at all) anything more would threaten to encroach to much on the iPod line, and I don't think apple is dumb enough to do that.

    I'd be happier if it replaced my Palm you know a Blackberry killer, since they don't communicate natively only via third party. It would have to have flawless integration with mail and 0 config wi-fi capabilities to make me even consider looking at it.

    Nov 23, 12:53 PM
    My copy shipped from Amazon, Can't wait for tomorrow!:D:D:D

    Mar 26, 02:27 PM
    I'm with you on that. I'm pretty sure Front Row is gone for good. Instead, look for iTunes full screen mode. Alternatively, I could see Lion gaining the ability to run iOS apps in some fashion, with the AppleTV interface being one option.

    I hope it's not killed. It's a neglected feature with so much potential, and it would be nice to see Apple do something with it. I was hoping they'd port the Apple TV interface into it. Plex and the other similar things just aren't quite right and lack the simplicity of front row. And iTunes is already a bloated slow piece of crap that needs a full re-write and a healthy diet. I get that it's the gateway app for Apple into Windows for their echo system, but the Windows version is worse than the Mac version. There has to be a way to clean it's gutters, but don't put anything more in there.

    Mar 31, 02:21 PM (

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