Tuesday, May 17, 2011

flowering cherry tree pictures

flowering cherry tree pictures. kwanzan flowering cherry tree
  • kwanzan flowering cherry tree

  • toddybody
    May 3, 11:04 AM
    Very, Very cool move to allow a swap for the track pad instead of the magic mouse. +1 Apple.

    The magic mouse is a total POS IMHO.

    Razer Mouse + iMac FTW

    flowering cherry tree pictures. flowering cherry tree
  • flowering cherry tree

  • Doctor Q
    Aug 23, 05:59 PM
    That's quite a sum of money! A bit more than my Power Mac cost me, even with that extra RAM.

    It's seems to me that it's unlikely that the cost of litigation could have exceeded the cost of a settlement, so does that show that Apple expected to be found liable for patent infringement as charged?

    flowering cherry tree pictures. National Cherry Blossom
  • National Cherry Blossom

  • rockosmodurnlif
    Mar 30, 12:21 PM
    Apple should know all about trademark violations (eg: iPhone (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linksys_iPhone), iOS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisco_IOS), Mighty Mouse (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Mighty_Mouse)) but App Store is too generic. Like if instead of "iPod", they called it "MP3 Player" and then suing Creative or Archos when they release a device advertised as an MP3 Player or called "Creative MP3 Player" for instance.

    flowering cherry tree pictures. kwanzan flowering cherry tree
  • kwanzan flowering cherry tree

  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 28, 03:22 PM
    Sad day for dem boys in Redmond

    flowering cherry tree pictures. kwanzan flowering cherry tree
  • kwanzan flowering cherry tree

  • LaazyEye
    Apr 14, 02:11 PM
    in all seriousness people, this thing http://snowulf.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/USB-3-Mini-B-Connector.jpg is going to scare people off...

    flowering cherry tree pictures. a flowering cherry tree.
  • a flowering cherry tree.

  • spicyapple
    Sep 10, 08:31 AM
    Things have certainly changed after the PPC ->x86 transition.
    Mac resale value will go down the drain, but that's great if you're the buyer not the seller. It's still much more exciting to be getting these furious CPU upgrades.

    flowering cherry tree pictures. Ornamental cherry trees do not
  • Ornamental cherry trees do not

  • ncook06
    Oct 27, 12:39 PM
    I'm all for protecting the environment, but sometimes it gets out of hand. Greenpeace should be there, but it is evident that Apple is already working on being more environmentally friendly. Greenpeace should have been kicked out for violating their contract.

    +1 for Apple

    flowering cherry tree pictures. Road with flowering cherry
  • Road with flowering cherry

  • miles01110
    Apr 20, 12:48 PM
    :confused::confused::confused: Apple has NOTHING ! and NOTHING is accessible by anybody (except the owner of the device)

    The data is stored on YOUR phone and YOUR laptop ... Apple does not have a centralized database with that data - it is all on your devices.
    You have no proof of this.

    The governments have those big databases, but that's a different story.

    I'm sure they do... but for the most part they just subpoena the telecom provider for whatever records they require.

    flowering cherry tree pictures. Flowering Cherry Tree
  • Flowering Cherry Tree

  • PghLondon
    Apr 30, 07:10 PM
    I beg to differ, My iMac 7,1 looks like the new ones. I have had it for over 3 years.

    Similar, but not the same. The new design came out in October 2009.

    New sizes, new aspect ratio, removal of plastic from the enclosure, removed the outer aluminum bezel, etc. And new guts, of course.

    flowering cherry tree pictures. Flowering bird cherry tree,
  • Flowering bird cherry tree,

  • Half Glass
    Sep 9, 02:55 PM
    Benchmarks look good...real good for a laptop chip! I wonder how the laptops will fare!

    Loving the MacPro, and just like you guys waiting for some of the software to be seriously optimized for more than 2 cores. I've seen ~289% in spurts but not more from an app while encoding some video (I think the 289% was Handbrake). FCP seems to keep itself under 2 cores.

    Bring on the truly optimized software and lets roll!

    --Half Glass

    flowering cherry tree pictures. Kwanzan Flowering Cherry tree
  • Kwanzan Flowering Cherry tree

  • MacinDoc
    Sep 2, 05:26 PM
    When do you think C2D will be in MBPs? On the 5th? 12th?
    They will be announced and shipping by the 12th. Based on Intel's new pricing, there's no reason to keep Core chips in any of Apple' computers, it will be Core2 across the board.
    I too hope there is an user removable HD.
    Given that the MB has this, it's a given that the revised MBPs will have it.
    What are the odds that they will give us a 12'' option?
    I'll leave that one to Multimedia.

    flowering cherry tree pictures. kwanzan flowering cherry tree
  • kwanzan flowering cherry tree

  • Silentwave
    Sep 14, 09:34 PM
    Don't cry - a tablet would be the absolute worst interface for edit digital photos, so there's absolutely no chance that'll be happening at photokina.

    Hrm... for aperture i'd agree probably, but i'd be interested in trying one out with Capture NX :D

    flowering cherry tree pictures. Flowering Cherry tree and herb
  • Flowering Cherry tree and herb

  • MattyMac
    Sep 5, 06:02 PM
    My nano is already on eBay awaiting a nice metal clad 8GB version, I hope they do an andonised black one though to match my other gadgets.
    nice....I'm sure it will be a good time to pick up an older generation on ebay...once they are released that is. This week is the sellers market however.

    flowering cherry tree pictures. stock vector : Blooming cherry
  • stock vector : Blooming cherry

  • sum1
    Mar 23, 06:50 PM
    I actually agree. Pull 'em. It may be censorship, but it's dangerous not to.

    I Agree too! Remove it. Anyone afraid of being caught drunk shouldn't be driving drunk & kill someone!

    flowering cherry tree pictures. kwanzan flowering cherry tree
  • kwanzan flowering cherry tree

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 18, 03:38 PM
    It doesn't need to be a virus. They're relatively rare issues these days even on Windows. Malware is about stealing identities (big money) not hackers playing games with machines (kiddy stuff). It's far more likely to target the iPad or iPhone than anything else, but saying it cannot happen is like telling Japan two years ago that their plants would be in meltdown after an earthquake some day. They would have laughed in your face. After all, it didn't happen in the past 40 years there. That obviously proves it could NEVER happen. :p

    In any case, it's clear to me there are some really delusional people on these forums. Instead engaging in an utterly pointless argument with a bunch of stubborn fanboys that couldn't be convinced USB3 was a good thing unless Steve personally e-mailed them, I'll just leave you to your false sense of security and just smirk the day you find your identity stolen, especially those that feel the need to insult other people (2 cents comments, etc.) based on their own ignorance.

    flowering cherry tree pictures. kwanzan flowering cherry tree
  • kwanzan flowering cherry tree

  • MentalFabric
    Aug 24, 04:28 AM
    I'm suprised no-one has suggested this yet, but picture this:

    1. Creative rebrand their existing headphones etc. "Made for iPod" and start creating new iPod accessories.

    2. "In order to make fuller use of those iPod accessories", Creative licenses the iPod connector port in exchange for AAC and iTMS support�

    It could have been apple's plan to stay solo until Microsoft became involved, and then license fairplay

    flowering cherry tree pictures. PINK FLOWERING CHERRY TREES

  • KingCrimson
    Apr 30, 04:44 PM
    If you look closely though, Microsoft made LESS in revenue ($16billion to Apple's 20billion) but almost equally matches Apple in profit (5.3 billion to Apple's ~6billion). All things equal, Microsoft is still a better company in terms of profitability range due to their significant lower revenue but a close call on profit standards.

    That's quite a spin. Almost a pure software company SHOULD have higher profit margins to a 50/50 hardware/software company. The fact is AAPL stock is so high because investors like that AAPL has many profit engines and a good history of bringing new ones online every year. MSFT has not had a real hit in forever.

    flowering cherry tree pictures. kwanzan flowering cherry tree
  • kwanzan flowering cherry tree

  • Duujo
    Aug 28, 06:03 PM
    "Originally Posted by X5-452
    So, uh.... PowerBook G5's tomorrow?"

    I think my new rule will be to automatically place anyone using that line on my ignore list.

    It lost its funny a long time ago.:rolleyes:

    Ha, it makes me laugh still, 'cause it annoys other people..! :p

    flowering cherry tree pictures. kwanzan flowering cherry tree
  • kwanzan flowering cherry tree

  • Tymmz
    Sep 16, 01:28 AM
    the first time i voted "negative", because i'm tired of those phone rumors.

    Mar 30, 01:13 PM
    Go back five years. I tell you "Someone told me that I should use iMovie to edit the movies that I made with my video camera. Where can I buy it"? You say: "You should go to an app store". I say "What on earth is an app store?"

    No, that wouldn't have happened. You would have said "You should go to a computer store". "You might try a games store, they might have it". You would never have said "You should go to an app store".

    You would not have said "What on earth is an app store?". You would have said "Where is it?" because you would have known it is a place that sells apps/applications. Why? Because it is descriptive. And that is the point of the argument.

    Apr 14, 01:06 PM
    Thunderbolt will never replace USB because they serve different functions. You will never see low-bandwidth devices such as keyboard/mice/USB stick using thunderbolt because it doesn't make sense.

    The real question that I haven't seen anyone ask, is will this be Intel only or will other chipsets/manufacturers support it as well.

    Also I don't know if anyone mentioned it but one of the reasons Firewire never took off was because of royalty fees that need to be paid for implementing it. Thunderbolt has no royalties on it and this should help drive adoption.

    From the looks of it Thunderbolt will be able to replace eSata, Firewire, and maybe Expresscards.

    Sep 26, 07:53 AM
    I hope you will be able to by it 'sim free' in the uk, im not buying it if it an O2 exclusive and this will make me sad

    Apr 10, 11:03 AM
    LA Times (http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-ikea-union-20110410,0,4172495,full.story)

    Well, the right has gotten what it wants. Low wages, no benefits, non-union jobs.

    What next? Reintroduction of slavery?

    Is all relative. If you take my home country, it'll be around $1.32/hour pay for minimum wage. You get 2 weeks vacation and equivalent pay. Oh and down there they treat you like crap because of the infuriating high 35% unemployment rate. So everyone looks out for their job even if it means sucking up.

    Here in the US you can fight it. So yeah. Also Europe has more taxes than the US. Consecuently we get taxed even lower than the US. But still $315.50 a month is barely covering cost of living even for my country.

    Care to complain now?

    Sep 6, 07:52 AM
    This is what I had anticipated a while back, but Apple went and invested in the Mini as the quasi-set-top-box. I'm not saying it's not possible, but I wonder if they would change horses mid stream, as it were. I think the video AE would be cool, but it's not quite mainstream enough for regular folk. The Mini, on the other hand, would be sufficiently mainstream if Apple cut the price a little bit and made Front Row a little more robust (and included a DVI to HDMI cable ;)).

    The mini isn't really any more of a set top box than any other mac, other than it being small. I don't see going with an airport as a change in direction, they've been pretty adamant that it's not a set top box all along. For a TV unit to become mainstream, it would have to be $200 tops, and even that is pretty high. A mini will never get that cheap - and even if it was, it would still be a waste to have a whole computer used for just TV when a cheap, simple streaming device would do the job.

    I agree with everyone here who says that when Apple starts their own movie store they should also release a new Application along with it.

    Playing video in iTunes is pretty bad.

    They don't need a new app, they just need to fix iTunes.

    I guess I was thinking if they up the resolution too much on the movie it may look better on the big screen, but it will no longer be compatible on the ipod.

    I don't think the problem would be fixable in the firmware either. How big are we going to make these files?

    Right now, I can rip a DVD (that I own of course) and crunch it down to my iPOD's size 320x240 (roughly 600MB for a couple of hours) . Now... it supports up to 640x480, but that turns it into a pretty hefty file.

    I don't see apple changing the resolution for movies unless you want rediculous download times. Just downloading some of these HD trailers takes forever, and they look terrible on the displays at the apple store (tried it there only because I thought it was my computer, not the technology).

    I guess I would rather see an on demand viewing solution for the hi-def stuff, which I can already do through comcast, and stick to low res for my iPod Video when I am traveling.

    Either way... like I said in another post... you are going to see an updated iPod Nano, upgraded processors for some of models still using the first generation intel chips, and a worthless video streamer that lets you feed your video to a TV without hooking your computer up to it lo res (which will look terrible on a 1080p television)... oh and the Movie downloads - probably from Disney Pixar only at first.

    This would suck for me because the last thing I want to do is tie up my computer so somebody in my house can watch INCREDIBLES with bad picture and average sound in my living room.

    My guess would be that they'd offer two versions of the movie, one for TV and one for iPod (either giving the user a choice or letting them have both). If download time is an issue, another option is having the user's computer render out the smaller version, if the machine is fast enough.

    They pretty much have to up the quality if they want to sell movies and promote them for watching on a TV. I assume they'll go NTSC and not HD, the size for that is still managable for people with high speed connections.

    I disagree that the airport will be "worthless", because I don't think they will ship one that is low rez. NTSC (dvd quality) at minimum. I don't think low rez is even an option for TV viewing, apple wouldn't release something they'd know was doomed to fail.

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